Sticky Thoughts: Transforming Limiting Beliefs


One of the things that don Miguel Ruiz and other masters talk about is the idea that our thoughts about a situation create our suffering. What we are making them mean and the story that we repeat over and over, even to ourselves, about a situation. The situation itself is not what is causing our suffering, particularly after getting past a certain period of time.

Let’s call them “sticky-icky” thoughts, though you can also call them limiting beliefs. Kind of like when you get gum stuck to your shoe. You can walk through the fear, change your thoughts and take the gum off of your shoe. You partner with the fear, change your story, rewrite your story to match your truth. 

At the same time, know that “your” truth is not *The* Truth. We each have our own truth, our own story about the truth, which we create as the Artist of our own life. Coaching can help you discover those inner gems or clues to and on your right path, but there is also much that you can do on your own.

The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz is a great set of tools to use to shift your thoughts. They are powerful tools for living your right life.  The Four Agreements are:

  1. Be Impeccable With Your Word

  2. Don’t Take Anything Personally

  3. Don’t Make Assumptions

  4. Always do your best

There are many ways to transform our thoughts, many tools, and I guide my clients through this process in my life coaching practice. Another tool you can use is this…

  1. First, notice your thought happening. 

  2. Second, imagine and picture holding the thought in your hand. Look at it. Separate from it. Become the Observer.

  3. Then, say to yourself “I am having the thought that XYZ.” Notice how you feel, how it shifts.

  4. Finally, say to yourself “I notice that I am having the thought that XYZ.” Notice how you feel, how it shifts.

Though of course it’s always a little different when someone leads you through it, it is a powerful tool to work through on your own.

You are not your thoughts. Separating from your thoughts through work like this helps you to realize thaty our thoughts are not you. It enables you to shift from letting your thoughts control you to controlling your thoughts – transforming them and thereby transforming yourself. 

We create and manifest the life we want to live. Choose your thoughts, choose your life. It happens one thought at a time, in each moment.

What thought do you choose to transform today? What empowering thought do you choose to replace it with? Play with it and have fun!

Chelsea Sanders