What is Shamanic Healing?
Shamanic Healing is not a religion, rather, it is a practice. You can be of any religion to practice or benefit from shamanic healing. The idea behind metaphysical, shamanic or spiritual healing is that over thousands of years our ancestors from every continent learned how to access spiritual sources of power, compassion and wisdom, which otherwise are ordinarily accessible just through dreams, myths and near-death experiences.
The shamanic, spiritual or metaphysical practitioner is trained to connect with these sources, in what is called non-ordinary reality, and bring back healing and answers for the benefit of the individual and the community in what is called ordinary reality.
This is often through the power of shamanic journey, which is a form of ecstatic meditation to a drum beat or rattling, where the shamanic practitioner “journeys out” to seek help for themselves or their clients. For more on this, you may wish to read Way of the Shaman by Michael Harner. Through his extensive anthropological work, Michael Harner distilled the core principles and concepts that proved consistent between indigenous societies around the world, into what he calls Core Shamanism. He created the Foundation for Shamanic Studies. www.shamanism.org
As a practitioner of metaphysical, spiritual and shamanic healing, I use drumming, music or rattling, to enter the shamanic state of consciousness to access spiritual sources of wisdom to be used for the benefit of the client during the session together, or to guide the client on a meditation. This may involve various metaphysical methods and/or core shamanic healing methods. Examples of those include: power animal retrieval, shamanic divination, spirit ally ‘medicine’ retrievals (i.e., energies from the spirits/divine), shamanic extractions (i.e., removal of things that don’t belong in the energy bodies and that can cause disease) and soul retrievals (i.e., we can lose pieces of ourselves through trauma and various situations in life, which can cause illness or hurt our ability to heal from illness).
Author Louise Hay gives a great description of the word disease as “dis-ease.” The idea is that when we have disease or illness, there is an unease or a lack of ease with ourselves and our body. There is something that is disconnecting us and our mind, body and spirit connection resulting in or contributing to illness in the body. When we work to heal the mind, body and spirit connection, we can aid in our healing. Life coaching and shamanic healing work helps us heal the mind, body and spirit connection.
There are many sources, studies and traditions of shamanic healing and other methods for which I have been trained (shamanic healing, Munay-Ki, crystal gemstone healing, Reiki and more). These are metaphysical, shamanic and spiritual services that can augment and aid you in your healing journey and life’s journey; I am not a licensed physician, and my services are not medical treatments. A good basis for the concepts involved may be found in the article/interview with Michael Harner, Shamanic Healing: We are Not Alone. https://www.shamanism.org/articles/article01.html
Wishing you love, happiness and health!
P.S. Check out my blog post Wearing a Mask for more.